In response to Wolfy's post, I find nothing unusual about her responses.
Hearing ferrets range the full gamut from "Duh" to quite bright, to scary
smart.  Why shouldn''t deaf ferrets.  As with hearing ferrets, the
backround and amount and kinds of stimulation and training they have had
also is taken into account.  And, let's face it, this is a subjective
report.  Are they dull, or just lazy?  Or , being MY babies, are they
truely as brilliant as I want to think?  (Course they are.)
Names we call our busyness.Before we lost the elderly ones this past
winter, we had two groups.  The Old Ones or the Boys, and another group,
the Wrecking Crew.  Need you ask why?
Duncan--Dunkie Punkie
Merry Heart--Little Girl, Mum little love, Demon Climber,
Mr. Roberts--Handsome Lad, Momma's Boy
Obie Jon--Sweetums, Face (as in how can you say No to that face?  Pappa's
Nutmeg--Nutmeggins, Wired Weasel, #1evil dooer
Wiggles--Precious, SweatPea
All are either rescues or were given to us by people who could no longer
care for them.  We claim no names, but all the nicknames.  They are also
called The Evil Do-ers and the Wicked Weasles .
Gotta Love them.
Mary D.
[Posted in FML issue 3797]