MystyGurl came home tonight!  Blood tests and X-rays showed she was
suffering from an advanced ear infection coupled with possible
neurological damage caused by ear mites.  Even though we treat her once
a month with mite medication.  She is still a bit groggy, but when she
war-danced and bit my lip in a "Dad- I am sick of begging, give me my
treat NOW!!" gesture, even I could tell she is recovering.
I can't tell everyone how relieved I am.  My little girl has a long road
to recovery, but she is getting there!
sirron -Thanks for the cards.  I showed each and every one to Mysty.  She
liked them so much she danced on my keyboard and re-named a few of my
Sandee- I love and respect what you do, but MystyGurl isn't ready for the
bridge yet.  Thank god!!!
Dale, T, Rocky, and (back again) MystyGurl                 8
S.A.D group *
(*Seek and Destroy)
[Posted in FML issue 3786]