(I can't wait for the day that I can write on the FML for something other
than a question!)
Is it normal for a ferret to just go in a non-corner place when there ARE
corner options - besides the fact that maybe he has to go really bad.  Of
course, I am talking about Coonsie.  He is the "pooper".  We've tried
limiting his cage size to JUST bed, food, water, litter box and he will
still go under his bed, in his bed, anywhere possible, he even goes near
his food and water, which I don't think is normal.  He is back to the
normal cage now ... When he's playing he goes in the same corner every
time, no problem.  Its just the cage.  He knows that when we are around
and he is not out playing, that he can get a treat or come out to play by
going in the right spot.  But sometimes he'll go in a random (previously
mentioned) spot, right in front of us.  We've tried putting bad smelly
stuff in the wrong places (pepper, rubbing alcohol, bengay) I've tried
looked in the archives for answers... Besides this, he is eating and
drinking fine now.  His urine seems to be getting not as bright (medicine
from UTI is working - yay) and he plays normal and doesn't get tired
early or anything.  Maybe someone had a similar predicament and can help?
Also, does anyone know of a ferret cage for sale or have one for sale that
is cheaper than the pet store prices?  We are looking to pay AT THE MOST
$75.  We have a fine cage right now, but we'd like a bigger one.  Or else,
does anyone know a website or have instructions/specifications on building
a ferret cage?  My husband is a carpenter, but I think I'll feel better if
there were actual directions/blueprints/how-to's. :)
Thanks for all your help!  I love checking my email and getting plenty of
helpful and friendly emails!
Jen in PA
[Posted in FML issue 3786]