I told you I'd be back to tell you what an operation was when I found out
didn't I?  Here I am.  Well let me tell you what happened.  You probably
already guessed that I got sick again.  Well I did.  And boy it was bad.
My booboo hurt so bad.  I cried.  I couldn't stop from yelling out.  My
poor mommy and daddy was so worried.  They rushed me to the hospital
place again.
This time there was no filling out papers.  The doctor looked worried this
time and we went back to a little room right away for her to look at me
really good.  I hate it when they need to touch the part that hurts.  But
they need to see it really good.  Then the scariest thing of all happened
after the doctor looked at me and talked to my mommy and daddy.
A nurse came in and took me out of my mommies arms with my favorite
blankee.  Mommy had kissed me first and told me nice things, and told me
that I was gonna be fixed up now.  But when they took me out of the room
away from my mommy I was scared.  They put me in this other room with a
nice bed.  I started to think of it like an adventure.  It was kinda neat
to see all the people rushing around, and how they helped other animals
kids.  I got to see lots of doctor things that they use.  My bed was nice.
I felt safe in it.  I had to wait there a long time, and I felt really
sick too.  So that part was not fun.
Finally, a nurse got me from my bed, and they brought me to an opererating
room.  It smelled funny, and it looked funny.  I was really curious.  They
laid me down on this table thing, and told me it was all going to be okay
finally.  The nice nurse had a helper and they put this plastic mask thing
near me.  I didnt' like it.  But you know what?  Its smelled good.  It
smelled so good I just had to smell it, and put my face near it just like
they said I should do anyway.  Then it was all black.  Really black.
Next thing I know I'm waking up feeling all funny and stuff in that little
bed again.  I was confused.  But the nurse and doctor told me it was okay.
They told me I wasn't going to be sick anymore.  They told me mommy was
waiting for me out in a waiting room.  So I went back to sleep for a
little while an took a nap in my blankee.  This is good.  You need to
rest when you get an operation.
The nurse and doctor took me out of my bed with my blankee and I finally
saw my mommy again.  I just wanted to kiss her so bad but I couldn't.  I
hurt where they did the operation.  I was scared when I saw where they cut
my tummy and my bottom.  But when I was still it didn't hurt so bad.  They
took that bad stuff, all that sick, right out of me.  I'm all fixed now.
Isn't that something?
Mommy took me right home, and she stays right by my side.  I am what they
call "recovering now".  That is the hardest part of an opereration...
recovering.  I am so sleepy, I have to sleep more like mommy and the
doctor said.  night night.
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[Posted in FML issue 3786]