I want to thank those who took the time to respond.  I'm thinking I
probably shouldn't of wrote the post now, but it was right after she told
me of more ferret deaths and a little frustration flushed over me.
>I wonder what your friend is feeding her ferrets
She is feeding them a high quality ferret diet.  I know this as she buys
it from me and I have seen it in the ferrets dishes.  The ferrets have
their own room, with no access to her other pets food.  I think it's
horrible that anyone would feed their ferrets chin food!  I've heard some
pretty sad cases of bread and milk diets too.  You just have to wonder
what these people are thinking!
I do thank you for the suggestion though, it would make sense if she
wasn't feeding them such a good food all ready.
Sukie, I don't think she is a hoarder exactly.  She does mean well and
I am positive this isn't what she wants.  I do know she probably is a
little in over her head and I think she realizes that, as she has said
she won't be getting any more ferrets.  If it only took food, care and
love to keep a animal/ferret alive, I would say she has that down 20 fold.
Unfortunately, it takes more than that and her job doesn't permit her a
lot of high bills.  I don't even think that would be so much of a problem,
as it is these ferrets are dropping like flies mysteriously!  WHY???
Something is wrong, something in her home is causing this problem.  I have
been in her home for long lengths of time and never seen a flea, rather
than have one even jump on me.  I have been up in her ferret room and it
is pretty darn clean [except the litter box seems to get a little out of
control-but that's about the most].  I haven't seen the fleas up there
either, but apparently there is some because she told me.  She says she's
treated the ferrets/pets, along with bombing the house [animals excluded
of coarse].
I'm thinking it's some sort of gas leak or something....it just doesn't
seem to be anything else.  You would think all the animals would be
effected though?
And lastly, I just can't turn her in to any sort of authority.  Please
don't ask me to do that, as she would do anything for me and it would
break hers and my heart to do that to her.  I admit there's a problem that
she needs to face, but she's not neglecting the animals or doing this on
purpose, she just needs to understand theres something going on in her
home that's killing these poor things.  I will keep talking to her, but I
can not turn her in.  I know this may make me guilty or make me a horrible
person, but I just can't bring myself to do something like that to her.
As it is, I all ready feel bad enough writing about it.  She would hate
me if she knew I was doing this and perhaps it's better to have friends
never talk to you again if it meant saving animal lifes....but she truly
is the only friend I have, next to my hubby and pet family.  I just want
to help her, if I can.
[Posted in FML issue 3784]