My sister, Rose German has just lost a little girl, Tina, that she had
rescued with another mate just a month ago from a dog shelter/pound, that
were there a month before she adopted them.  Someone had dumped these two
off at a dumpster!
Tina was a tiny little sable, that once again, my sister thought she could
save.  Twice today she brought Tina to the vet.  First time was for pale
looking gums and awkward breathing.  Later on she called me from the vets
to tell me that after Tina ate she got worse.  She told me that she had
that squinty eyed look and I saw that look in Mylo the day he died.  The
vet tried to do a barium xray, but couldn't because her veins had
collapsed.  They went to surgery.  Upon opening her up, they called my
sister in to show her that she was riddled with cancer of the liver, etc.
There was no choice but to let her go.  Before the surgery was totally
over, she had passed.  She passed away Wednesday early evening.  My sister
is very saddened by this, yet so grateful this little girl at least had
one month of true love and care.
Eleanor Mead
[Posted in FML issue 3784]