My editor JUST contacted me about Ferrets for Dummies.  The good news is
that it's selling well enough to keep around (despite the title.hehehe).
It's a best seller in the pet series thanks to the AWESOME ferret owners
out there!  The even better news is that they will need to do a "reprint"
within the next 12 weeks or they'll be out of stock.  The BAD news is that
any changes I wish to get in need to be e-mailed to my new editor within
the next few days!  They aren't interested in typos, although if you've
spotted one or two, please e-mail me immediately so that I can make
note of it.  I don't know the difference between a reprint and a second
edition, but this will be a reprint.  A second edition will come down the
road.  Oh, and I might be getting Chinchillas for Dummies (jumping up and
I really need your help with the shelter list! Even if you've e-mailed me
changes in the past, please do it again! Look at the book and note:
Shelter changes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-  Closes
-  New shelters
-  Address changes
-  Contact changes
-  Note if your shelter is limited (ADV only, geriatrics only, etc....)
I do not know enough at this point to write about ADV.  I will research
it for the second edition.  However, I WILL be adding a blurb on it and
providing links to more information on the internet.  Please e-mail me
with GOOD, QUALITY links to information on ADV for those readers who wish
to look into more on their own.
Send me GOOD ferret supply links on the internet, such as the Ferret Store.
E-mail me with any information you think should be added or deleted and
I'll do my best to accommodate.  What the editor does once I pass along
all the info is entirely out of my control.  But I'll do my best to at
least send her the stuff.
Finally, E-MAIL ME PRIVATELY!!!!!!!!  I haven't had time the time to spend
on the internet like I used to now that I have a newborn attached to my
hip, so reading the lists is OUT for now.  I will check my personal
e-mail, though!  Geez, I only have a few days and this weekend I'll be
spending at Ferretstock.........I hope I have access to a computer in my
Thanks so much!
Dooks and Toe Nibbles,
Kim Schilling
[Posted in FML issue 3784]