Hello to all the other ferret pets out there, Once again, my partner and
I are in need of help for one of our kids.  Pixel lost her best buddy in
April and since has been in decline from his loss.  Pix is also
insulinomic and has enlarged spleen and has, since had to be started on
pediapred but her problems seem mental more than physical.  We have dealt
with ferrets and many physical and mental problems before including grief
but this is overwhelming to our sweet little angel.  Any ideas and
suggestions to help this wee one out would be more than welcome.We want
to find a compatable buddy for her and tried her old cage mate but wont
accept her at all.  She gets tons of love and attention to help her deal
with this issue but still seems in decline and we are worried about her.
I hope someone in the indiana area or anywhere can help us to help this
little lost darling.  Please help her and us.
Sue-Genetta and the gang (especially poor Pixel)
Feel free to post in FML or write directly as we feel time is important
to her.
Bill, I hope you can get this in right away for our baby and thanks
[Posted in FML issue 3783]