Today is National Prayer Day.
For those that believe in the power of prayer, let us pray for the men
and women who have been our heroes long before Sept. 11th: Our shelter
volunteers and those that own and run the ferret shelters.
How do you not smack someone who comes in with a beer in one hand, a
cigarette in another, was told to bring in his family, but didn't, who
wants a ferret?  How do you not kick the person who comes in to drop off
a ferret that needs adrenal surgery, and then sees a young ferret at the
shelter, and says he will take that one?
How do you keep from becoming emotionally distraught when you see the
condition of the ferrets you now must care for that come from collectors
and breeders that were were supposed to be kind, ferret loving people-but
did not even come close?
Dear God, grant these heroes the physical, mental, and spiritual strength
to endure the never ending work.  Grant them the emotional strength to be
there to comfort the ferrret that is dying, or has just been given up and
will not eat.  Feel their pain, and see their tears.  Sleep is always
elusive.  Time is never enough.  And how to raise money always a major
concern.  Let them know that YOU are always there for them.  Please hear
our prayers for them.
May all of us find it in our heart this day to pray for those caring for
the discarded tiny ones we love so dearly.  Search your heart.  Maybe this
would be the day to make that donation, or send a thank you card to your
shelter, or decide to volunteer once a month or once a week.
Maybe you will realize that contributing in some way to the person who
runs the ferret shelter you may some day have to give your baby up to is
part of the answer to your prayers for ferret shelter operators this day.
I will send off a check to SOS today.  My prayers began hours ago, and
will continue.
God Bless all of you that work so hard for the sake of these tiny beings.
I call them the fur people.  I call you heroes.
[Posted in FML issue 3770]