You already have the answer....change the bedding more often.  How long
does it take to remove a hammie from the cage, throw it in the wash, make
sure that it has some nice smelling fabric softener, throw it into the
dryer and re-hang in the cage.  You are doing laundry anyway, so what is
one more piece or two.  Another thing you might do is throw an old
sweatshirt in the drawer that they sleep in.  This should be laundered
once a week as well.
As I put my ferrets to bed today, I caught a scent of Purex Rain Forest
laundry deteregent and Snuggle Rain Forest fabrice softener.  I have had
people ask me if my ferrets smell and if I have a furkid with me I ask
them to take a sniff of their back.  They are always surprised that the
ferrets smell so good.  BTW - they only get bathed twice a year - once in
the fall and once in the late spring.  Another trick I found it to take
some J & J Baby Lotion and apply to your hands like hand lotion.  Then
pick up a ferret and rub it and pat it.  Then take a sniff... the ferret
smells as sweet as a baby's bottom after a bath.
Phyllis M. Spy
[Posted in FML issue 3782]