Through the down pouring rain can be heard the rumble of thunder.... No
wait that isn't thunder... That is The Ferracle on his haug..  Ferrets
are jumping all around especially this one silly boy called Doodlebug.
He is screaming something about Dippy???  Anyway....
The Ferracle says... Okay my Trophies, settle down.  If this wrain doesn't
stop soon someone is gonna have to build an ark, or sumthin, but on to
what I fouwnd.  This is important.  I been driving all over the
information super higway and this is the gweatest ever...
There is a wraffle for a ferret shelter.  This is a good one.  This is
thiew addwess: All the hoomans is
gonna want this one.  It is time fow me to take off.  I am goin to hunt
down that Ferracle woman and bite herw.  She thinks she is such big stuff
with the ferwet nazi's and wont let me hewp.
The Ferracle hops back on his Harley and rides off in the rain, singing
"I even ride my motorcycle in the rain" You may think I'm crazy, but
that's just what you want me to be.
The Ferracle
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[Posted in FML issue 3781]