Dear Sandee-I never, in my grief, asked you to please show my little
Rennie Bear around-Renate doesn't know anyone at the Bridge, and I hope
you can show her around.  Maybe you can introduce Renate across animal
lines to my dogs, Casey and Ebony, and my cats, Max, Squirt, Leopold,
Lady, Jenny, Jenny Jr, Tiger.  Please take care of my baby-she loved Girl
Scout Thin Mints, which Mommy never let her have when she stole the whole
box at a time!, yogurt treats, Ferretone, Nutrical and TD tartat control
cat food as a treat.  She also loved to sleep in Mommy's clothes-maybe
you can find her a decent substitute-and in her hammy, and she loved to
dig and drink water out of the tub.  Take care of my tiny princess girl.
[Posted in FML issue 3770]