Hey Ferret Friends,
The claws of the right side Adrenal problem have grabbed another victim.
I took Nikki in for her sonogram and it was found that Nikki's trouble is
all on the right.  Her surgery is scheduled for Monday.  I'm going to go
ahead and make a batch of Duck Soup now so that,
1. She can get used to the taste now while she's strong and
2. I'm hoping to pack her little body with as many calories as I can to
   get her nice and strong for the surgery.
So that she will hopefully have some extra strength reserve to draw from.
She's lost a little bit of weight and SHE cannot afford too.  I was
telling one of our FML readers and my sweet friend, It NEVER gets any
easier.  This is my 4th Adrenal.  2 died, one bled out after surgery.  The
tumor was on the right.  And the other, even though we had been running
diagnostic tests from the minute I suspected.  By the time her tumor
showed up on sonogram, it was huge.  Nothing to do but take her home.
BBBBUUUUUTTTT, my precious princess is doing great after her surgery and
she's 6.  (This was 4 mos ago) > So please, ask all of your fuzzy baby
darlins to get on their fuzzy knees, put their little fuzzy paws together
when they go to bed and please say a prayer for little Nikki.  She's only
1 1/2, and small.  But OH WHAT A SPITFIRE!!!!!
No news on the baby yet, but as soon as I hear, you will too!  Kiss and
hug and kiss some more on those fuzzy sweethearts.  One never knows what
coming at the end of the tunnel.  Hopefully it's not an oncoming train.
I never would have thought Nikki would be having surgery for Adrenal so
young.  I KNOW it happens, I just was hoping that since Princess had just,
or is really still recovering from her surgery, we wouldn't get hit again
so soon.  Guess I was wrong about that light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks for all your loving wishes for Nikki, AND for all of the name
suggestions.  Hopefully that little boy baby, where ever he is, will be
coming home soon!
Sue & Crew   Princess, Tori, Oscar, Sammy and Nikki
From the Bridge, Smokey, Bandit, Boots, Samantha, and Lucky.  (Hey
Lucky!!!, Whatya think of the name "Chance" for your new baby brother?
Because of you, he will have a "CHANCE "at a good life!)
[Posted in FML issue 3770]