Prayers to all of those out there with lost, ill, and/or angeled
fuzzbutts.  Regarding the question about if I'd get more ferrets after
mine have crossed, I'm in a really interesting position.  My 3 are all
less than 2 years old and they're healthy.  Why's that interesting?
Well, I live in an apartment with a no pets policy, actually, it says no
animals, but they never say anything about the fish tank.  We got caught.
They said that either the ferrets go, or we'd be facing eviction.  (Got
this message on Valentines Day, how's that for considerate?) Anyway, the
kids are currently being fostered by their Aunt Tina over in Ohio.  So,
my fiance and I have had a 5 month picture of what life would be without
fuzzies.  Our lease is up in July, and yes, we are moving.  (It's a long
story on how I got stuck in a no-pet apartment.) And yes, we are looking
for a place that will allow pets.  Just last night, we were sitting
around playing a game on my computer.  There was a brush at my ankle, and
I immediately thought that one of the boys was there.  I consider the
position interesting, because I can see what life would be like without
ferrets, without having actually lost them.  I've found that three is my
limit.  I've got allergies, and any more than that, I think would have me
constantly sickly.  We haven't had to deal with illness and surgery, yet.
After the wedding, we'll be putting money aside for just that purpose.
It's difficult being without fuzzies, and i can't see my life without
furkids in it.  I miss the scamper of little feet, and the begging for
treats, and and and....
but that's just me.
Dooks and Dances,
Dreaming permits each and everyone one of us to be quietly and safely
insane every night of our lives.
- Charles Fisher
                     Denise Hebert
                 Alpha Phi Omega, Alumni
                      ICQ# 1155674
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[Posted in FML issue 3777]