>From:    Mark Zmyewski <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Holistic medicine for adrenal disease
>Rebecca Klein posted yesterday about using holistic medicine for adrenal
>"cancer".  Please be aware that not all adrenal disease is cancer.  I my
>experience, most of the adrenal growths that have been removed from our
>ferrets have not been cancerous.  However, if anyone, including Rebecca,
>would care to share with me (and the FML) about how holicstic medicines
>cure adrenal tumors/growths, I'd be very interested in listening
Mark, thanks for your reply.  I'm aware that not all adrenal cases are
"cancer".  I was using a broad term, I should've been more specific but I
think most got my point.  Also, I am aware that holistic therapy will not
"CURE" tumors/growths.  My point is that not every adrenal case needs to
be rushed in for surgery.  It's important to take into consideration the
ferrets condition, age and overall health.  My dilema came into play when
I considered that my girl is older and I wasn't sure surgery would be
successful.  Either way was a chance, both surgery AND holistic therapy.
I chose to avoid surgery because I wanted her the rest of her life to be
fun and free and full of love and care and not in rehab until she passes.
But this was MY choice for MY ferret and MY circumstances.  Everyone's
circumstances will vary.  I chose for my girl and I'm happy with that
choice.  But thanks for your input.
[Posted in FML issue 3769]