>From:    sargentcolburn <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: How Could I be so Blind?
>But hers is veiled now.  When I bring her under a bright light and tip
>her just right, I can see that the green sheen to her eyes has really
>gone a milky gray, like old faded velvet.
Sounds like she has cataracts, where the lens turns milky.
>...She's in a private world, but it seems to be a good one, for all that
>it is dark, now.  I will not consider taking her to the vet for this.  I
>don't know that they could do anything, but I suspect that whatever they
>might want to do would distress or pain her.
They can do something, remove the cloudy lens, but I've never heard of
anyone doinf it because the going price starts at around $1200 IF you can
find someone to do it.
>She seems to be at peace with the change.  I'll never know if it came
>gradually or all at once, what she thought about the dimming of the light.
>Did she wonder about it as a thing apart from herself, or did it seem
>natural, a matter of course?  Was she scared?  I hope not, but I don't
>think so.  Sabrina has always had a natural air of indomitable nobility.
>She remains a mighty biter of bats.  The years will never take that from
>her, as they did her sight.
Cataracts usually come on very gradually, so she probably didn't even
notice it.  Also, usually cataracts pass enought light that they can see
light and dark.
Russ, Booger, Bonnie & Clyde
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URA Redneck if you refer to your van as "The Love Machine".
[Posted in FML issue 3776]