This afternoon,as I was on the puter,about an hour had lapsed since I was
last in to check on the ferrets.
I had put the 3 bowls of soup down & called the kids.I couldn't fine
Bandit!!!!  I called again & then heard a scraching sound from inside
their closet.I looked & saw Bandit,aka,Bandicoot,in the corner.I tried to
pick him up but he didn't come.I then discovered his head is stuck in the
wall!!!  One of these kids had chewed thru the sheetrock in their closet &
Bandicoot had his head stuck.I broke off some more of it & freed him.His
breathing was very short & rapid.So,tommorrow,I'll be putting up paneling
over the closet walls.
I talked to Tigger,my Hudini butt & asked her if she was the guilty one.
She just yawned & gave this look as if to say"Why do you always ask me if
I did it first?"
I pride myself on having a room totally fert proffed,until now.Please add
this to the list of dangers.You may have a sheetrock chewing fuzzbutt as
Heaven Scent Ferret Rescue/Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3776]