Good Morning Susan,
I was breezing through the FML this morning and I don't always have time
to read everything but for some reason your message jumped out at me and
I was so touched that I had to let you know.  We have had cats for years
and years up until last September when our first two boys Michael &
Gabriel the "angel" ferrets entered our life at 2.5 & 3mo old.  After that
2 more boys and 2 more girls entered our lives from then until January and
they have changed our lives.  I read all the things that can go wrong and
I say no more ferrets when these guys are not here.  My husband just
chuckles as I say that each time one of our kitties goes to the bridge.
We have had 1 dog and 4 kitties go to the bridge in the past 23 years.  I
guess that is not too many but now we have 13 kitties ranging from about
9mo to 16 years old and I keep saying no more.... You must understand I
am a lover of animals and when one needs a home even if a difficult one
our home is open.  We don't have any children but these are our fur kids.
After reading your note and knowing my love of my fuzzy little dookers I
know I will never be without ferrets.  I thank you for sharing your note.
Our babies are young at all under a year old and I fear that when one goes
to the bridge that they may all follow as they are so close.  We were
warned about getting them so close in age but I am not sorry.  They have
their own bedroom with 2 large 3 story full level cages but when we are
home they are free roam and so loving.  My mom adores them and they are
the best thereapy for her since my dad passed away last September.  Can
fuzzies change your life?  You bet they can :-).
Thank you
Love & angel hugs
[Posted in FML issue 3775]