Winston is nearly 5 years old.  We have been dealing with diarrhea
problems since July.  He would be good, he would get worse and then good
again.  Have tried nearly everything.  At one time, the vet thought it
might be insulinoma...and then he got better and the numbers went from
way high to way low.  At one time he didn't have an appetite...and then
he did.  He got very thin, and then pretty normal.  He has become very
spoiled to a mixture of chicken baby food, cream, ensure and pumpkin mixed
together.  At one time, it seemed that the pumpkin was the answer...and
then the diarrhea would start again.  His hair is starting to thin all
over his back.  And, as always,off & on again diarrhea It has been seedy,
muscousy and at times fairly normal.
A couple of weeks ago, I heard him crying.  Picked him up & patted his
tummy.  If I put him down, he would cry again, so kept holding him,
bounced, and patted.  In about 15-20 minutes, his crying stopped and have
never heard it again.  Took him in for an xray and nothing showed up.  He
hadn't had much of an appetite, so started the pediapred again.  Now the
appetite is back.  He also is on Pecid AC, amoxicillin, and baytril.  He's
had been on Clavamilx and Metronidazole..which he HATED...and seemed to be
the thing to make him lose his appetite.
Well, the decision has been made and he is having exploratory surgery on
Thursday, May 9th.  I am so terribly nervous about surgery, but also know
if anything will help him, it will be surgery.  He has always been such a
sweatheart.  He is 100% litterbox trained (and has free run of the house),
never been a biter...and just a GOOD BOY!  I just don't want anything to
hurt him and I'm not ready for him to die.  Somebody help me get out of
this "death sentence" mode I'm in!!
Anybody have any of these problems before?  When I see him get up & run
around (usually looking to eat), I wonder if I'm doing the right thing.
But then remember how things are when he's not eating and HOPE I'm doing
the right thing.
Just think I need some support and prayers for Winston right now.
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[Posted in FML issue 3774]