We've lost two of the gentlest, sweetest beings we have ever known.
Max was truely a rescue ferret.  He was found in the middle of the street
by my boss, who hated ferrets.  But when she called me, she said she
wasn't even sure he was a ferret because he didn't look like one.  When
she brought him to us, I understood why.  He was a beautiful, beautiful
champagne colored ferret.  The absolute most luscious, yummy cream/beige
color I've ever seen.  We teased him that he matched our couch perfectly.
Max was scared witless when he came.  He clung like a baby monkey and
refused to let go.  He was terrified of other ferrets and screamed until
we picked him up when another came to sniff him.  Max was also the
absolute goofiest, ungraceful little snot I've ever met.  He'd trip
himself.  You should have seen him run!  The episode of `Friends' where
Rachel and Phoebe go running in the park and Phoebe flails around as she
runs is EXACTLY what Max was like.  You had to run for cover when Max ate
Chicken Gravy because he flicked it *everywhere*.
Through love, much worship and even more spoiling, Max became a great
little guy.  He merged with Maya and Shelby and delighted in cramming
himself into Shelby's hammock, despite Shelby's protest.  He wasn't as
thrilled when big `ol macho Otto wanted to lay on him.  I went away for a
weekend, and when I came home, Max was the only one awake.  He took one
look at me and HURLED himself at me, bouncing, hopping, clucking,
chirping, squeaking.  When I picked him up, he gave me big sloppy kisses.
I cried.  I've never felt such pure, unfiltered love from anyone or
anything in my life.  He was my baby.  He healed part of my very broken
heart when we lost Bailey.  He was found in the street six weeks after
her death.  I believe we were meant to have him.
Max's favorite game was to chase you around.  You ran, he chased.  He
loved to sleep in an old, well worn soft pink blanket.  He would eat so
much Chicken Gravy his little belly would bulge.  He was the warmest
ferret we had.  Heat just radiated off of him.  He was tickilish under
his armpits.  I was honored to have been a part of his life and was
honored that he loved me.  I wish I could have been with him at the end.
His daddy and surrogate mommy were, and he went peacefully.
A gift like Max makes me think there's something smarter than us in the
world.  He was gentle, sweet, funny.  He was so beautiful.  So
unbelievably beautiful.
Max left us on April 24, 2002.
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