I'm a day or two late, as usual.  ried to post this last night, but
deleted the posting site too quickly and couldn't remember it.
My youngest fuzzy, Rocky, is deaf.  He has the classic signs of
Waardenburgs syndrome-- wide set eyes, amber eyes when the light shines
in them a certain way, the white chest, no mask, white on his knees, and
he loves to sleep with his head hanging out of the hammock or bed,
wherever he happens to be sleeping.
My alpha ferret, Max, really bullied him for about the first two weeks
after we got Rocky.  I thought he was gonna draw blood, he was so rough
with him.  Here's Max, a 3 pound adult going after Rocky, a little thing
just 6 or 8 weeks old and fitting in the palm of my hand.  I kept them
pretty much separated in 2 different cages when they were not supervised.
The night I tried to get them to sleep in the same cage, I sheeled the
cage into my bedroom "just in case".  I just had this feeling something
was going to happen.  I was right.  About 5:00 a.m., I woke up to this
noise I could only describe as Rocky screaming.  Max had him pinned down
by the neck.  I separated them again, and tried again the next night.
Things went okay.  They slept in my room in their cage for about a week
before I felt things were going to be okay.  Sammy, my middle fert, didn't
really bully Rocky.  I'll bet he's glad he didn't, because now Rocky is
the chub-butt of the three, weighing in at a little over 5 pounds!  He
gives the most kisses of the three, though.  My stepsons ask my why I talk
to him when he can't hear me, but I know he can feel the vibrations in my
throat when his head is on it, and he is the most loving of the three.
Even though he can't hear, he's always the first one at the door when I
get home from work.
[Posted in FML issue 3799]