I recently found some chewed packing peanuts under the bed the other
night.  These are not the water soluble kind, unfortunately.  Do you
think whomever ate them is ok?  I have kept an eye on them, and they seem
alright.  It was only one or two chewed, not like they were feasting on
them!  ha ha
I have stayed away from chew weasels because I thought they would be
trouble.  I am curious to see what other people's findings are with this
To: Francine Prager
I am so glad to see that people like you reach out your hands to help poor
little guys like you have taken in!  Good for you!  I tears my heart out
to see older ferrets in a cage full of kits for sale.  Have you tried the
verbal method of control??  I found that giving a high pitched yelp, like
iiiiiyyyyyeeeee!!!!  gets there attention and lets them know that they are
hurting you.  This is the only thing that worked for me.  Good luck,
Francine, and get some gloves!  ha ha
My ferrets like to sleep in places they know we humans can't get to and
places where I will cry with glee to find them there like:
1) Behind the entertainment center--it's a corner cubby and they know we
   can't get behind it
2) In Erick's pant legs in his closet on the floor.  I melt like butter
   when I find them there
3) Under the bed, where it is so dark that you have to wait for your eyes
   to adjust to tell if it there is a ferret under there or just toys
   strategically placed there
4) In Erick's closet in the middle of a huge stack of pillows and blankets!
   Must be like heaven for them
To the IA Ferret for Sale
I live in Waterloo, I am not looking to buy, but if you can't find anyone
who wants to give them a good home I have friends you might be willing to
take the little guys in.
I will have pics of the kids on my website for the next couple of days.
Check em out...I guarantee they are entertaining!
Lisa & Erick
Peanut, Eminem & Smokey
[Posted in FML issue 3799]