Hi everyone
Let me start by saying that I've beaten myself up about this enough
already, so PLEASE no flames.  I think I need to find a new home for
Pukka.  She gets VERY upset (I mean break-the-skin upset) if I'm away
for a noticeable amount of time.  I know the answer here is to spend more
time with her, but therein lies the problem: as of this coming weekend I'm
moving into an apartment and will have a full-time job, so if anything
I'll have less time to spend with her.  My other two, Lola and Sebastian,
seem more secure and just sleep when I'm not there, but Pukka just seems
to have real issues.  This is definitely not a "dumping" situation-- I've
been communicating with some FMLers and giving it a LOT of thought.  And
even though I signed something saying I'm supposed to give her back to the
shelter where I got her, I cannot in any kind of good conscience do that.
This shelter euthanizes.  There's a small enough market for adult ferrets
around here-- Pukka's only a bit over a year, but not a fluffy little
baby-- let alone ones with known behavior problems, and I know what would
happen.  I do love her, and she deserves a home where someone can help
her, not to just be snuffed out like a candle in a shelter.  And all that
aside, I'm afraid I won't be able to afford to feed three ferrets once
I'm paying rent.  Two I can do, but three just eat more (imagine that).
So what all this is coming down to is that Pukka needs a new home.  I've
never had to give up an animal before and I'm fighting back tears just
looking at her (of course she has to act ultra-cute just as I'm writing
this).  Like I said, she's a bit over a year old, up on all her shots and
healthy.  Litterbox-wise she's 100% in the cage, about 80% outside of it
and that's getting better daily.  Too clever for her own good, steals and
stashes pretty much anything she can get hold of.  She has a pretty bad
biting problem which I've been posting on recently, and like I said she
needs someone who can spend lots of time with her and give her lots of
love and patience.  A tall order, I know, and I feel horrible about
having to do this to her, but I think this is the best option for everyone
concerned.  I'm in western Massachusetts-- Pittsfield at the moment and
moving to Amherst shortly-- so if anyone could help me out here I'd be
really grateful.
Thank you.
Rachel and Pukka
"Go ahead, call the cops
You don't meet nice girls in coffee shops"
          -- Tom Waits
[Posted in FML issue 3797]