Jill was turned into F.A.S.T. about 2 years ago, she and her brother Jack.
Both DEW, both looking for a home.  Jack passed away, and a woman in New
Jersey adopted Jill.  However, she returned Jill, said she had an attitude
(hey, she's a ferret, what did she expect).  So when my daughter and I
attended Ferrets 2000 I asked to adopt Jill.  Randy talked to the board,
and they all said it was fine that Jill became a Hoosier.  So she got to
travel with us to Indiana, and had a blast.  Paige and Randy were afraid
that she wouldn't adjust to my group, she'd been a loner for so long.
But within a month she decided she wanted to join the Crew, and she's
been a member ever since.
Late February I noticed her shoulder hair was thinning, and since I had 4
other adrenals getting ready to go, Jill went too.  Her left was huge, her
right also, but it was encapsulated and embedded into the vena cava, so
the vet debulked as much as possible.  She got better, but had good and
bad days.
I'm working 2 1/2 hours from our home, we're moving soon to Ft. Wayne, my
husband has a great prospect there.  So for me, I'm away from the kids
during the week.  On the way home Friday night my daughter called, said
Jill wasn't acting right.  I told her get her sugar water and I'd be
there.  Jill refused the sugar water for Sara but took it for me, along
with food.  Over the course of the weekend she seemed better, eating duck
soup, taking ferretvite.  This morning, Monday, I heard a cry from her
group.  I checked but couldn't see anybody fighting or anything.  Went and
fixed Sally her duck soup, heard the cry again.  Found her in her little
hanging hutch in a seizure.  As I picked her up she released her kidney's
and bowels, and there was blood in the feces.  I phoned the vet clinic
and got her over there, and we helped her to the Bridge.  My Jill, Silly
Jilly, my Jilly Bean the Queen is now gone.  I let her group say good bye
to her, and Joy, the other DEW stood beside her for quite some time, as
though recognizing her buddy was gone.
Sandee, will you please watch for Jill?  She's a DEW, and she now has her
beautiful coat back.  Please have her brother Jack, Socks, Suzy, Nibbles
and Bailey meet her.  She and Socks always got along, and now I know
she'll get along with all the others.  Please ask her to wait for me
there.  I miss her, and another piece of my heart is gone.  Jilly Bean
the Queen can now rule with Suzy and the others in the group of the Crew
of Merry Mayhem who are at the Bridge.
Rebecca & the grieving Crew of Merry Mayhem
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and
 taste good with ketchup"
"Support bacteria, it's the only culture some people have"
[Posted in FML issue 3796]