>From:    Anjie Nuzzo <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: General Posting (Help Also Needed)
>1) Do ferrets change colors?  One day I went in to see Frodo and he was
>his usual color and then the next day he was a lot lighter in color.  His
>dark gray hairs were all a couple of shades lighter and it surprised me.
Yes, they do.  I had one little guy who was a kind of silver as a kit.
Before he died a 7.5 yrs he was pretty much a dark-eyed white.  I have a
couple right now that lighten in winter and darken in summer.
>Also I think that he's gotten bigger than when I first got him.  How do
>you know when a ferret is obese?  I don't think Frodo is but I was just
>wondering in case he gets even bigger.
Pretty much when they get so fat they can't do what they want to.
>2) I've noticed a couple of litter box conversations going on and I'd like
>to ask a few of my own questions.  Since Frodo does Not reside in a cage,
>he doesn't like to use his litter box.  I put newspaper on the floor and
>the box on top of the paper but he just pushes the box aside and goes on
>the paper underneath.  I Never Ever scold him but when I do catch him
>going outside the box, I gently put him in it and then give him Ferretone
>when he's done.  I've only had two chances to do that.  Are there anyways
>to achor the litter box down and discourage him from going on the floor?
>I don't want to use any chemicals or anything.
I use the incontinance pads for people.  They are 24x36 and have a plastic
outside and absorbent inside.  They only cost about $5 for 30.
Russ, Booger, Bonnie & Clyde
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URA Redneck if your junior-senior prom had a day-care center.
[Posted in FML issue 3796]