Deaf Ferrets.  I have one deaf fuzzy.  Even my vet says he is different.
I have never been able to sneak up on him, even walking quietly if he is
asleep.  He does not care if I grab him and swing him around, he loves
it.  ( I do this very gently as a two hand swing supporting his butt)
Just wanted to clarify this.  Oscar will just stand there looking around.
He never looks at anything on his level.  Everything is way over his head
and mine.  The refrigerator holds great interest to him.  God forbid if he
should ever figure it out.  I keep it out of ferret paw reach.  Sometimes
he gets so wound up he runs into things and looks a bit silly.  For the
most part I would say he was of average intelligence, superior in
What I call my ferrets
Oscar - Oskee, Oscar meyer ferret, boo boo, silly
Sarah - little girls, trouble and wench (when she plays to rough with me)
Gardenia - Denia, tiny girl, sweetie, girlie
Fred - Freddy poo (boy do I get a crappy look for that one), Fredmister,
Freddy round and fuzzy.
Gulliver - Gully, gulster, fat boy, cutie
They are notorious for bum rushing the door when I try to enter their
Aprille and the thieving 5
[Posted in FML issue 3796]