Heather writes
>Can the information for the Ferret Forum at the Falls be posted again (or
>maybe can I be e-mailed privately)?  I managed to delete the FML with that
>info, and can't remember who was organizing, but myself and several others
>from Massachusetts want to go!!
The International Ferret Congress is a nonprofit corporation formed to
continue the legacy of the International Ferret Symposiums held in Toronto
in 2000 and Las Vegas in 2002.  Besides this type of major 2-3 day
symposium, the IFC will also sponsor smaller events, the first being the
"Forum at the Falls" in Niagara Falls NY on September 21, 2002.
The Forum will kick off with an informal meet and greet the evening
before.  There will be informal tours of the Falls, educational sessions
by Alicia Drakiotes, Jeanne Stadtmiller and Mary McCarthy, assorted table
topics during dinner, vendors and raffles.
You can get more information and registration forms from our web site
or contact one of us
Judy Cooke [log in to unmask]
Julie Fossa [log in to unmask]
Linda Iroff [log in to unmask]
We look forward to meeting a big Massachusetts contingent!
[Posted in FML issue 3796]