Hi Lisa,
I agree with you, when I come to the FML I am looking for advice from
those who are "ferret knowledgeable".  Most of the time I get very helpful
advice, one time I got attitude thrown in my face because I 'offended'
those who think that my nightstand my babies sleep in SHOULD stink and
that I am a bad Mommy because I want to get the smell out.  However, by
lashing out you only stoop to their level, and keep in mind... they are
a very small few.  Those very small few make my hairs stand on end... I
have stated once before how I feel... that we all need to get along and
stop pretending that one knowledgeable person is better than the other.
I am constantly learning from my babies.  And anyone who thinks they know
it all doesn't know jack sh*t (sorry BIG).  We learn from experience
everyday, our babies teach us.  But when you react so rudely, you look
as bad as they do.  The last thing we need is another Jill (Get it?  A
female ferret as opposed to a female dog...AKA a b_tch... sorry... I
thought it was cute).
If at first you don't succeed, try try again... there is no shame in
re-posting... and there is no shame in asking politely and holding back
that first instinct to ATTACK...
We are hooman beans...ferrets even try twice before they attack... LICK,
That's my two cents,
Stephanie and my baby Abe and my baby Penelope
[Posted in FML issue 3795]