I was viewing a website that made a window keep popping up asking if I
wanted to install My Comet Cursor.  I always close these boxes out without
looking into them, but it was persistant, so I looked into it.  It turned
out to be a 10 second download of a site called www.mycometcursor.com and
you can choose from thousands of cursors for your computer or your
website.  And guess what?  They have ferret cursors!  (I think there were
5 different ones).  Now instead of the standard arrow I had, now I have a
cute little sable ferret head.  If you download it, click on animals,
then you will see ferrets on the list of different animals to choose from.
They are cute.  I downloaded the site through a site I was visiting that
uses these, and was sucessful, but when I visited the site later, it said
that it is not accessible through an AOL or MSN browser, but is through
Internet Explorer.  Anyways, I thought maybe you'd like to know about it.
Kelly White
Southampton, Massachusetts
[Moderator's note: Suggest checking archives for alleged privacy
implications of using cometcursor.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3792]