I also wanted to respond to your question.  You do it because you can.
You do it because if you don't, no one else will.  And you do it because
it is what you must do!  You have so much courage and so much
strength-things all too many of us are lacking in!  You have witnessed
unspeakable acts of cruelty and neglect and yet you go on when others
give up.  You are one of the special people who has risen about the rest
of us driven by your love of all creatures-not just ferrets.  You can,
and do make a difference!  I have been in your home when you had over 100
ferrets.  I have seen what you are up against.  I stand in awe of you and
what you are able to accomplish.  I know you get tired of the fight and
sometimes want to give in-but you always find a way to keep going.  There
really isn't anything I can do to help you, but I can say thank you for
what you do.  If I were a ferret in need, I would pray for someone like
you to come save me!
You are my hero!
Judy Cooke
Tyson, Hope and Einstein
Precious Lily, Chaucer and Boomer!
[Posted in FML issue 3792]