My partner posted in here about a week ago... asking for help for our
little Pixel who was going down fast... she was mourning her cage mate who
passed in April.... One viewer wrote us and suggested a kit for her..
Here's the update on Pixel... We found a little dark eyed white named
Zoey... She is as sweet as she can be... When Zoey was brought into the
house we went and got Pixel at first site it was kissy kissy... but when
we put them in the cage there was a couple of screaming matches and that
was it.... That was three days ago... Pixel is now back to hiding her
toys... she's bright eyed and bushy tailed... there has been a great
change in her since we got zoey she is also back to eating... The girl
who suggested we get a kit ... would you please write my partner... we
lost your email... we would appreciate it...
We will keep you updated...
Genetta, Sue, furbabies 20 and now Zoey
[Posted in FML issue 3792]