I just heard from our vet and when he talked to the owner of professional
arts pharmacy he was told that they haven't had any problems with any of
their lupron.
Our vet suggested that anyone that has had a ferret not respond to the
lupron depot, have their vet contact the owner, Sam, and let him know that
they did have ferrets not respond.  If the ferrets received 1mg doses
previously or they have other client's ferrets that have and did respond
previously but not recently (Sept-April) please let him know this too as
he is convinced ferrets need the 2mg and won't respond to the 1mg.  I
know ours responded to 1mg when Jayhawk was making it for us.
I know it seems a bit overkill to contact him if a ferret doesn't respond
but if people don't then he won't look into the matter so please do ask
your vet to contact him.
Thanks to everyone that responded.
hugs to all.
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3792]