Well, we have our first incompatibility.  Fox doesn't like the Runt.
Everybody else is as gentle as they can be - they seem to understand
that he's little and can't take the abuse.  They aren't even trying to
dominate him yet - they haven't laid a tooth on him.  They love to chase
him around though - the little guy likes to play!
Fox, on the other hand, immediately went in for the kill.  He was all
business.  He's getting a bit better - he's sniffing the little guy's butt
and waiting a few minutes before he dives in, but we still can't leave
them both out at the same time.  The Runt is just too small and weak to
fight back yet.  Neither Bitter Apple nor Ferretone has managed to keep
Fox from attacking.
It's tough dealing with this in a free-roam household.  We can't even
leave the Runt's (temporary) cage out since Fox will climb it any chance
he gets.
BTW, our vet confirmed - the Runt has no pigment in his retinas.  He's
obviously not an albino - she called him "diluted".  This isn't anything
significant, I just haven't seen it before.
And no, The Runt isn't his final name.  We're still waiting for him to
pick a good one.
Roger, Digger, Bear, Fox, Sniffles and The Runt
[Posted in FML issue 3791]