This list will be slightly long, as I'm going to include Bear (who's at
the Bridge), Cheech and Chong (who were literally kidnapped by my ex...
anyone who is interested in that [or who may be able to offer advice]
can email me for the story) and my aunt's trio of terror (because we live
with them too).
Bridget- Bridgeyboo, Peanut, Midget, Littlebit, Goof
Brandon- Sleepyhead, Brandyboo (very masculine, eh?), Buddy, Killer,
Jaws, Sharky
Zoe- Babygirl, Sweetpea, Darlin', Tard-o, Bird, Tubby-tubby
Zeus- Mommy's Baby Boy (again, too masculine!), Bubby, Zeuser, Sexyman
Cujo- Cooterbug, Oso pequeqo (Little Bear), Fatbutt, Mr. Jinx
Chaos- Chaos Manderin, Sillyone, "Wow, Chaos is actually awake."
Clyde- Sneak, Tardboy, Dookers, "Clyde Anthony!!!"
Grandma- Mama, Gammajo, Sleepygirl, Owl
Bandit- Skinnyone, Snaggletooth, Bandiboo, Rosita
Smokey- Amokamok, Smokester, Mokey
Bear (at Bridge)- Bear Bear Fat Butt, Mr. Ryan, My little puppy dog
Spooky (Aunt's ferret)- "Stop trying to climb in my shirt!"  Spooky ghost
Spud (Aunt's ferret)- Spudwick, Spud Rocket, Hubby (we were married in
Vegas this year)
Tootsie (Aunt's ferret)- Tootsie fat, Fatty, Sweetypie
Cheech (Kidnapped)- Cheechie, Ups, Cotton
Chong (Kidnapped)- Chongie, Mr. Chong, Babydoll
Whew!  That's all of 'em.  Collectively they are known as the fuzz,
furbabies, fursh*ts, weasels, puppets, peanuts, clowns, babies, etc.
I hope everyone is well, and my thoughts are with all of you.
Ellen and Crew
[Posted in FML issue 3790]