Hi everyone...been a while since I've written, but I've been around =)...
I took the ferrets outside the other day (two at a time) for about half
an hour walks...and I guess after being cooped up inside all winter, they
went crazy!  They loved it!  I've never seen tails fuzzed out so big!
lol ... anyways... I want to be able to take all 7 out at once and let
them run and roll without harnesses... I'd like to know if anyone has a
nice (7 or 8x8 ft at least) kind of "play pen" for them for outside.  If
possible, I'd like it to be somewhat mobile (not permanent at least).
And of course it'd have to have a lift top "lid" ... though that can't be
hard to modify from any plans I receive.
As for names ... Boomer= BoomBoom, Big Fat Boombalatti, Boomums...
AngelTrouble, OW GET OFF MY HAND!...
Mishchief=AngelBaby, TubBum, LuverBoy...RoehRoehBug, Buggums, OW GET OFF
Maxx=Maxamillion, Maxxers... Ginger=QueenB, Princess, Killer...
Moritz=Moose, Mooffums (don't ask me please = )
Also about flying... we have a 5ft tall gate we put between kitchen and
living room when they come out... Roeh has NO problem jumping from the
floor right over (and clearing) the board... not to mention the cage,
couch, t.v., ... etc.
[Posted in FML issue 3790]