Hi all
I haven't been real buzy latley and that is a good thing.
A little guy named Beasley came in.  He waz met by Daisy, Sandy and a
bunch of others.  They greeted him warmly and wanted to know all da stuff
dat waz going on at home including all da gossip and news.  They sat and
talked for some time about everything.  Then it waz time to head out and
explore and see all da sights and attractions.  They had to stop first at
da Fruit Bar and taste everything there.  He wanted to try out hiz new
wings so I assigned an instructor.  He waz soon zooming around like a pro.
Soon everyone waz getting in on da act and they were up there playing
chase in da sky.  Da trouble started when he decided to come down.  Hiz
landing was not good.  He unlike some of da others did not hit his nose
first but he sure has a nasty rub burn on hiz prosterior though.  He is
not going to sit down there for a little while but all things heal up
here.  He said to pass on hiz luv and lots of kisses and cuddles to hiz
I looked up Taz in da puter thingy and found him out in da fields looking
for chewweasels.  He had quite a few stashed away.  I told him to watch
them close as they seem to run away.  I passed on your message and tried
to give him all those kisses but he wouldn't stand for it but I tried.  He
said he missed you bunches but waz fairly comfortable here and there waz
also a lot to do and keep buzy to pass da time away.  He said he will be
right here when you get here.  He said to pass on luv and kisses to you.
I am off to get my own cheweasels and this time I will place a guard on
them.  But who do I get to watch da guard.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3789]