This is in response to Alison's post about her bowl tipper, George :-))
It's not just you, LOL.
I had one that insisted doing this as well, my Mickey.  I don't know what
his infatuation is about preferring to eat his food ..  outside the dish,
but he does, LOL.  I solved the problem by getting the types of dishes
that lock to the side of the cage so he can't tip them over.  They are
large enough to eat from, so that isn't a problem But now, he digs in
the dish until he spills some and THEN he will eat it.  I guess he just
prefers it "A LA Cart" LOL.
My other three would just make a game of it sometimes, but not as bad as
Mickey.  I feel that it's just ferret curiosity and they have to see what
is behind the dish.
And the Gang
Mookie, Joey, Mickey and Mouse
+ BeBe, Trooper, Nikkei, LeLou and Muffin
Like the feel of fur ... Hug a Ferret or two !!
[Posted in FML issue 3788]