I hit 12 ferrets in Oct.  I sat back and thought.  What would happen if I
were in an accident?  What would happen if I could not take care of them
any more?  Whether I am incapacitated or homeless?  Who would care of all
of them?  Who could take in all and give them what they need?  Can I
afford surgery bills if 4 out of the 12 needed surg at one time?  Vet
bills for accidents, vaccinations, and ear mites and other infections that
could come along.  Would all of them be happy if separated?  Are all of
them happy when mommie has busy days and can't get around to everyone of
our hug whims?  Can mommie provide flea meds for all and heartworm meds
for all when needed?  What happens if the shelter does not have enough
room to take them in if something dreadful happens to me?  Do I have time
everyday to play with them.  If I have them cages, do I have time to
change cages and do the proper husbandry?  If I have them in a room.  Do
I have time every 2 weeks to change their room around to keep them
stimulated?  Do I have time to launder their items?  My guys have 4 loads
every week with their comforters, clothes, socks, and cloth toys.
You could say I am a worrier.  I think it's scary but now I have to be
responsible enough to be able to handle all these questions I have just
posted.  It's always a joy to fill the house with these furry guys and it
is easy for the math to sky rocked with people always wanting to get rid
of their pet responsibilities.  But, we have to be honest with ourselves
when we add on the responsibility of another.  I am at my limit.  I love
my guys to death.  But, life can throw some challenges.  I want to be
prepared for.
Not to put a damper on the post.  But, I can tell you from experience
these are things I worry about on a constant basis.  I am now seeking life
insurance information so if something happens they will be taken care of
for the rest of their lives.  Also, a will to provide for who ever takes
care of them the proper way.  Not just someone just collecting money.
These are things I would consider when ferret math hits.
Can you provide for every necessity your ferrets need for the rest of
their lives?
Just my opinion of ferret math.
[Posted in FML issue 3754]