I felt very sorry for this woman who came to us wanting some questions
answered and all we did was flame her.  We should want more people to
become ferret owners.  If I had a kid I wouldnt give my babies up.  I have
known many people who left there ferrets caged thier whole life and that
is awful but this woman seems like she is really going to give some lucky
ferrets a good home.  She is the mother of the child and I am sure she
knows that if she let the child harm the ferret she would never forgive
herself.  We really need to be more supportive around here and get off our
ego trips.  I think its great that she wants ferrets and I dont think it
matters about the 4 yr old as she said this ferret is for her.  Lets just
try and be a little kinder to the newbies.  We are here to help people
not piss them off.  Just my two cents and dont send any flames my way
[Posted in FML issue 3754]