I have been reading about the difficulties of knowing when to let go
lately.  I ran across this poem on another list for all pets that I
receive.  I wrote to the author and he has given me his permission to
post in on the FML.  All he asks is that if anyone uses it to please
leave his name on the bottom.
I thought it really brought home just how difficult and painful this kind
of decision can be.
He rubbed her forehead gently, there was nothing else to do.  "I know
it's hard," he said to us, "But it is up to you.  I've seen it many
times before, and I ran all the tests.  The only thing that I can say
is that it's for the best."
Our hearts were breaking at that moment, how were we to know, The pain
would make us this intense because we loved her so.  My children cried
to think of her not ever going home, But it was a decision that I had
to make alone.
Our lives would never be the same without her being there, My little
one was crying and kept saying, "It's not fair." My older ones were
trying, to hold back their pain and tears.  But what I had to do and
say had been one of my greatest fears.
The doctor was patient for my answer, as I hesitated, He even looked
as if he felt the pain there as he waited.  It's never easy when you
have to make this kind of choice, But I began to speak to him while
choking on my voice.
"As far as doctors go," I said, "I have such faith in you.  I know
that what you're saying is so absolutely true.  I know that you love
all your patients and you really care, Whenever we have needed help
you've always been right there.
"But as you know it hurts so much, and we love her so.  We always knew
a time would come when she would have to go.  She always showed her
overwhelming love to all of us, And in return, loved our attention
whenever we made a fuss.
"I know that as a doctor you have done all that you can, And I know
the pain we feel you more than understand.  I have seen it in the past
and always it's the same, You care about your patients and really feel
their pain."
So there upon the linen sheet I gazed into her eyes, I could tell she
was in pain -- more than I realized.  She looked at me so pitifully.
She seemed to really know.  I could almost feel her say, "I really
need to go."
Some people will not understand how tragic this can be, And some will
never understand the pain that's now in me.  Many cannot comprehend
how this can make you weep, Unless you've had to tell your "Vet" to
put your pet to sleep.
             -- James "PoppyK" Kisner
[Posted in FML issue 3753]