Hello Ferret Fanatics!  I just wanted to share with everyone that my
babies are STARS!  Merry, Pippin & Bandit won the fuzzy photo of the week
for their Easter morning picture at the dookranch.com.  If you would like
please go to this link at the dookranch.com and check it out:
We also came up with some more Haikus.  This one's for Pippin and the 2nd
is for Merry:
Here I come SNIFF, SNIFF
I've just got to get a whiff
Of your smelly boots!
Here comes little face
Love when your whiskers tickle
My face with a kiss
Dooks!!!!  This has been so much fun!  A very proud mommy,
Trish ~ Merry & Pippin
[Posted in FML issue 3752]