I have recieved many wonderful and helpful emails.  I wanted to share some
of the ideas with you all.
I"m still undecided, but I'm able to make an educated decision now I
think.  Here are what many of the repsonses said:
1) Concrete, and use sealer.  Its been done many times in room on Trading
Places.  The cheapest option.  It would be very cold though lol.
2) Linoleum.  The second cheapest.  I was told that if I go with the best,
thickest, and a good design it would be beautiful.  I was told by one
fella you can lay down a type of under stuff (I forgot the name of this
whisperboard stuff) that would help insulate it plus make it quieter.
3) Pergo laminant wood flooring.  Very expensive.  Beautiful.  Hardy.
Good for ferrets.  I had two emails with concerns that the seams would
leak the urine over time.  People who have it seem to love it and stand
by it.
4) Tile.  Many people say you can seal it the grout.  Shelters have tried
this and say there is no way to 100% seal the grout, and it is not as
hardy as other options.  You would definately have to reseal regularly if
you went with this.
5) Combinations.  I had some creative ideas sent to me, such as installing
subfloorings on frames in the room, so it wouldn't get so cold.  I had
this one email with this really creative idea, where she had linolium
around the outer edging/perimeter of the room, and then rug in the middle.
Then when ferrets make mistakes it won't be on carpet.  she glued down
replaceable carpet squaring in the middle of the room. :)
Thank you so much to everyone who has an continues to help me learn about
flooring and help me decide on what to do in our room that I want to be
cohabitable by both species. :)
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[Posted in FML issue 3751]