Here is the 4 Haiku's I wrote.  Yeah guess I need to keep my day job also.
Lots of fun writing these though.  Great Idea.
Why do you do it?
The Ferrets need lots of love
And I love them lots
Ferrets Ferrets dance
They still my heart with kisses
Dooking up a storm
Cats and Dogs are fun
But Ferrets give the best love
because they just can.
My eight are playing
Where is the ninth one hiding?
In the bottom drawer.
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Lola and the Awesome Babies (Amaretto, Addakiss, Stuart, Rascal, Mr.
Softy, Thumbalina, Chatterbox, Marshmallow, Snowflake, Snowball, Aggy
(the new baby) & Booger (our missing baby)
Missing Naya & Hyde Our Rainbow Babies.  Thanks Kat for the Ferret above.
Hey Hey don't forget us...Pepper the dog and Jet and Patches the cats.
[Posted in FML issue 3751]