Hi Folks,
A local Non Profit group who main goal is to try to eliminate animal
abuse and neglect through education is trying to put together a book full
of stories about pets, whether it is a cat, dog, bird, snake or our love,
There is no monetary gain from you sending them your story, just sharing
the love joy and experience of your pet.
The book will be used as a fund raiser to help their Educational Outreach
Program.  The program teaches children to recognize animal abuse and
neglect, what to do if they see animal abuse.  One of their beliefs is
that if you educate a child early to recognize animal abuse and neglect,
they will become better pet owners, and understand that they are living,
breathing, feeling beings that deserve love and gentle attention.
Their email is:  [log in to unmask]
Hope to see your stories in the book, and they would love to get lots of
stories from the folks on any pet list, or board.  So lets fill their mail
box, and feel free to post this to as many boards as you can think of!!.
If you would like more information on them the toll free number is:
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter
Cleveland, Ohio
Non Profit, 501 (c) (3)
[Posted in FML issue 3751]