Greetings All!......
I think this is the first time I've not posted anonymously but after
being a reader and sometimes contributer...I don't care anymore.  Wylie
is about 5 and she has had a persistant, sometimes violent high-pitched,
kind of wheezy cough for the last 3 days.  If you are a Doctor, Nurse or
Paramedic, you know what Stridor sounds like...well that's it.
I paniced because Winnie made the same hacking noises before she got very
sick and I had to help her cross over.
I took Wylie to the ER Vet Hospital.  Of course she was silent when I got
there, the x-ray was normal.  Lungs clear.  Belly was fine.  The doctor
guessed maybe it was asthma or "something else", gave me clavoxin and sent
me on my way.  I took Wylie to my regular Vet (Yeah Dr. Schulke!!) and
after a thorough physical exam came to the same conclusion that he had no
clue.  He offered to do lots of expensive tests or wait about a week and
see.  I opted for the latter seeing as how I dropped about $1000.00 when
Winnie got so sick in one weekend.  Well, I's gotten a little
bit better but her energy level is lower than it normally is and she is
still hacking once in a while.  Anybody got some plausible ideas as to
what this may or may not be?  I was in the medical profession for almost
13 years so don't hold back if you want to get technical.
Thanks in advance for your ideas and continued support.
Good Health to You and Yours!
Wylie - "Haaaaack"
[Posted in FML issue 3750]