Hello All
My name is Kendra and I recently became a mommy to three fuzzies.  I did
some research on ferrets before I acquired them, went to a pet store, and
a younger lady there (salesperson) began talking to me about ferrets.
Turns out all the questions she was asking me were for a greater purpose.
she was pregnant and her husband and her owned 3..lol..(key number here)
ferrets and she was looking for a home for them.  I became that home.
Im now the proud servant of talon (fancy) falon (cinn.) and slinky
(sable).  I am amazed at the love I feel for these swweties already.
So I log on the net do a search and come upon the FmL.  Now heres
my concern... I got my first edition of FML and enjoyed reading it
immensely..  your stories are great.  But is it just me or are a huge
number of your ferrets sick??  I am more then prepared to do anything I
can for my new babies..but I didnt realize ferrets had so many chronic
problems.  I guess my question is, am I looking at more health probs with
a ferret than say i would with my dog?
I cant wait for the next edition of FML.  I hope to make new friends here!
Looking forward to hearing what you all have to say!
kendra..talon,falon and slinky
[Posted in FML issue 3748]