Hi all....
I have been lurking for a while.  But recently read something that made
me do a lot of thinking and I was wondering what others opinions might be
on this subject.
First of all, please do not flame me.  That said, here goes.  I read on
another message board something about ferrets and illnesses that made me
do a lot of thinking.  Basically, it said, that when a ferret is very
sick, with a deadly illness or in lots of pain or is not able to walk or
control there bladders or bowels or have severe heart problems and can
only way to prolong there lives is with lots of meds, or to have to go
through painful surgeries that will only prolong there lives for a short
time.That ferret is suffering and should be put to sleep.  (Makes me think
of the saying, Quality of life, not quantity of life).
Then she came up with a remark that had me wondering.  Are we keeping our
beloved ferts alive for us or them?  The ferret that is very weak and in
pain is indeed suffering.  Yes, we love our babies dearly, but are they
suffering at our expense.  Because we can't bear to live without them?
Please do not flame me.  Because I happen to agree with this person.
However I would like your opinions on this.  I have an open mind and
perhaps I have not weighed and considered everything correctly.  I have
read on message boards about many ferts that have a fatal illness that
are on many meds.  So I know this does happen.  My Aunt had a DNR( Do not
resuscitate) in her medical records when she had cancer.  When our ferts
are very ill.  They can not tell us that they love us, but would rather
go to the rainbow bridge, then suffer the way they are.  I would welcome
any and all opinions.  But please, no flames.
Nick and Katie (My human kids) Fussy, skittles and Iris (our fert kids)
Lacie, Hannah and Bryce( our Dogs) and Asha (our cat) and numerous fish.
[Posted in FML issue 3748]