Well, here goes another post that begins with, "I never thought I'd be
writing one of these..."
Nikita, who received so many well-wishes both for her surgery and after
her crash and recovery, died today.  She crashed hard last night and her
vet spent a long night and day forcing fluids, food, and meds into her,
but by this afternoon it was time for her to go.  Her body couldn't take
any more medicine or force-feedings, and the surgery that I had hoped
would buy her some more time ended up cutting her time short.
We are not entirely sure what happened.  Although she had a normal b.g.
level before her suergery, she seemed to become insulinomic immediately
afterward.  Last night she began having seizures, which was when I rushed
to the vet.
Nikita was one of those sweet little girl ferrets who never even dreams of
putting her teeth on a human, and although she was picked on often by her
cagemates, she never gave anyone a hard time.  I think she might have been
happiest as an "only" ferret...she tolerated other ferrets and slept with
them but also enjoyed her privacy, and preferred the company of humans to
other fuzzy brethren.  She didn't like Cheerios but when the others got
them, she came and looked up expectantly as if to say, "You're going to
give me something else, right?"
We are having her cremated...but tonight I just can't put her down...she's
cold but she's still soft, and when the other ferrets wake up I want to
give them a chance to say goodbye.  It's going to be hard to give her up
tomorrow...to have her truly gone from our lives.
Sandee, please welcome Nikki to the bridge.  I never got a chance to tell
her about it, because I didn't think she would be leaving so soon.  Please
tell her how very, very much we loved her and that we will always love her
and miss her.  Please tell her I am sorry we did the surgery, and that I
wish with all my heart that she had had more time with us.
Nikita doesn't know anyone up there, but perhaps she could meet Kahlua who
died just a few days ago, and until their other caemates arrive, these two
dearly departed girls could keep each other company.
I love you, my little black sable girl.  I will never forget your
beautiful little face or your twinkling little eyes.  Wait patiently for
me, Nikki-Nikki...and I will bring you raisins when I get there.
-Heather W.
 Crying her eyes out in Massachusetts
[Posted in FML issue 3748]