I don't want to offend anyone or get into a debate, but I'd like to give
my thoughts on the idea of sending donations to Modern Ferret.
I think they are an asset to the ferret community and I wish the best
for their business and for themselves personally.  As a special business
I hope their subscribers can wait patiently for future issues, however I
don't feel it's necessary to send donations to pay off their publishing
bills.  Generally the subscription money that is sent in to the
publication would be all the assistance one would need to make to support
that company.  Unfortunately in this case it is apparently not enough if
the magazine is not operating at a profit or break-even point.  Sadly,
this is the case for many businesses.
Although the MF magazine benefits ferrets, I do feel there are more
crucial needs in the ferret world than helping this ferret business
(oops, no pun intended!) with its costs.  I do feel it is a truly
beautiful and kind idea.  In a more perfect world it would be great if
we could concentrate fundraising efforts on needs like this.  But I feel
that right now there are more urgent needs for ferrets.
Maybe we can help in other ways.  Perhaps organize a raffle of back issues
that we own.  Maybe sell and extra copy of Mary's book.  Those of us who
are not subscribers (I buy current issues and back copies at ferret
fundraisers) could subscribe now to give them a better cash flow.
I think it's great if some people's funds and caring can stretch enough to
help Mary and Eric, but I feel that it's more important (for me at least)
to concentrate on helping ferret shelters.
Just my thoughts (all 2cents worth)
[Posted in FML issue 3740]