>From:    Francine Prager <[log in to unmask]>
>>Tara Radford said: You could have her ask what food is really desired...
>>(this will also help to tell us a bit about her authenticity.If she pops
>>up with sugar pops & chocolate sauce we will know she is phoney)
>Actually, Tara, if she came up with that she would be 100% on the nose...
>I know my ferrets would much prefer to eat sweets and junk food than just
>about anything else.
>>WHY do they want questions in advance?
>I don't know.  At this point, I know as much as everyone else on this list
>about the program.  I agree a "real" psychic would not need any questions
>in advance, and so far, no one has asked me to submit any.  (Well, they
>did ask for a few photos, which I sent...didn't see any harm in that.)
>The wonderful responses I have been getting from the list will be
>memorized and dragged out only if I think they will in no way affect the
>reading.  (I am skeptical, too.) I figure, whatever happens, it should
>be an interesting experience.
I didn't read the initial question/response to this subject however I can
say that I actually took a class last summer in animal communication from
Penelope Smith, a world-reknown animal communicator who wrote "Animal
Speaks" amongst others.
The picture gives the person who doesn't know the animal a "feel" for
spirit in that animal.  Makes it easier to sort out all the things that
are coming into mind.  As for the questions, think about it.  She/he's
communicating with the animal, whether dead or alive.  They need to sort
out what's most important to you so as you can get the most for the time
you've paid for.
I have to say, the class was awesome.  I was not able to communicate with
one of my dear departed ones, however I did have my Zak man (who has since
left us) and one of my dogs, a Rottweiler that we had rescued only a month
before from a terrible situation.  It's very overwhelming and I found
myself crying a lot throughout the weekend...I wasn't alone!  The class
had probably 35 people in it; everyone was all over the scale.  I fell
somewhere in the middle as I "got" some of it but not all.  I communicated
with my own personal animals but was not very good at hearing a horse that
was brought in for the class to use.
You don't need to give specifics but a good question is something like
what food do you prefer; how are you feeling?  where are you feeling a
problem?  is there something you want me to do that I'm not doing?
whatever but you do not need to get specific other than perhaps the
picture and/or a name.
Barb and the 6 whirling dervishes...Gus, Hope, Bren, Kate, Tess and Cher
Please give to Aleutian Disease research...the ferret you save may be your
own.  http://www.geocities.com/russiansmom
[Posted in FML issue 3746]